Frequently Asked Questions

Private Poll

A poll is a survey that asks people for their opinions on a topic. The purpose of a poll is usually to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future. This also helps in informed decision making.

Creating a Poll is very easy and it’s totally FREE! Sign up for an account by providing some basic information, then click on create your poll by providing Question and suggested Poll Options. Once you submit the Poll, it will be reviewed by the admin team before being published on the Platform. In case of any assistance, our support team is here to help.

Anyone who visits the poll page can participate in the poll. You can share your polls on social media, via email, or embed them on your website to reach a broader audience and get better results.

Poll Validity is a date by which a poll is available for voting. After this date the Poll shall be marked as Voting Closed, and no one can vote on the Poll. Further, if you think that you haven’t received sufficient responses or if you want to keep your poll active for more days, you can simply extend validity of that specific poll and allow users to vote on it.

There is no limit to the number of polls you can create on our platform. You can create as many as you need to gather insights and opinions from your audience.

None of the identifiable information of a person who participates in a poll is disclosed anywhere on the website, even in analytics. Thus, the privacy of the participating person is fully protected. However, general information may be used to prepare the Poll Results and analytics.